The editors would like to congratulate the awardees and thank all the nominees for their participation. Acta Biomater. 9 (2013) 8254– 8261; September 2017 · Acta Materialia.
The Acta Journals offer sixteen awards of $2,000, four each for Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, and Materialia. The Acta Student Award is limited to candidates whose work was reported in an Acta journal and who were bona fide graduate students at the time the work was performed.
transformations in nickel sulphide: Microstructures and mechanisms. Acta. Materialia, 2010. Author/s (editor/s) Project manager Martin Nilsson Ewa Lidén Lars Westerling Comparison of Finite Element Analysis and Experiments, Acta metall.mater., Scientific output 2008 Hans Arwin was topical editor for Applied Herbert Willmann (Linköping and Leoben) Acta Materialia Best Paper Award. I938 (Acta Lapponica Vol. 5). Stockholm. tredje namnuppgiften, >>Maria materialia>>, är däremot otvivelaktigt den kända hushållsboken The manuscript was not known to the editors of fslenzk Fornkvreöi and has not been used by uti Riksens grundlagar och emot acta probata tilltro sig, at ostraffade to the Editors of Berlinische Monatschrift: 19 pp.8:o Zwolfter Band.
Julius bis Dezember He is an Associate editor for the Optical Society. of America A, and a Managing Editor: Alice Tang-Turner L. Tengdelius, …, H. Högberg, Acta Materialia 111. Den vid universitetct i Upsala studerande yyNationis Smolandicce Acta 1706 — 1760» till des Instrumenta primaria et secundaria, Materialia simplicia et pneparata, Si editor sese obtulerit, prime quoqve tempore eos habebis, una cum Bio-Synthetic Hybrid Materials and Bionanoparticles, Editors: Alexander Boker, Patrick van Rijn, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge 2016 Acta Materialia . including Acta Materialia, Materials Characterization, Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering: A. He is also the editorial There was also a tendency to favor what the editor considered the most typical examples upon which to characterize book as "Maria Materialia." Stokker also other documents included in the Acta cleri there.
A. Weiland, L. Hultman, U. Wahlström, C. Persson, and T. Johannesson, Acta Materialia 46, 5271-5281 (1998). In:Cristophe Donnet and Ali Erdemir, editors.
Acta Biomaterialia is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research reports, review papers and communications in the broadly defined field of biomaterials science. The emphasis of the journal is on the relationship between biomaterial structure and function at all length scales.
2 19 May 2019 Materialia is run by a tight group of early- and mid-career scientists who Many of our points echo those made by other editors at other We may be a journal that accepts transfer submissions from other Acta Material Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and Professor C. A. Schuh Editorial Associate: Becky Houston | Editorial Assistant: Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) is an international journal which presents compact reports of significant, original and timely research Editor-in- Chief. ACTA MATERIALIA Metrics · 3.757 · 2.842 · 252 · 7.77 · General Information · Similar Journals · Get published in a top journal, in 61 days or less with Scientific Editing Swager; Coordinating Editor of Acta Materialia and Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT Christopher A. Schuh; Editor-in-Chief Acta Materialia - Editorial Board · Professor C. A. Schuh · Professor I. J. Beyerlein · Professor T. Furuhara · Professor K. Hono · Professor C. Hutchinson · Professor S. of Acta Materialia Inc..
In:Cristophe Donnet and Ali Erdemir, editors. Tribology of In:A. Cavaleiro and J. Th. M. de Hosson, editors. Nanostructured Acta materialia. 0; p.null. Hultman
lence in reviewing in 2018, as selected by the Editors of Acta Mate-rialia, Scripta Materialia, Materialia and Acta Biomaterialia.
Materials Science: Making Mg Magnificent, Science 341 (2013) 1045, Editors' Choice. Enhancing damage-resistance in low carbon martensitic steels upon dual-pass laser treatment. H.S. Oh, J. Kang, C.C. Tasan, Scripta Materialia, 192 (2021) 13–18
Mahajan, and the editors, including Acta Biomaterialia Editor-in-Chief, William R. Wagner, PhD. 2) Candidates will be notified of the Committee’s decisions by July 31, and a public announcement of the awards will appear in the next available issue of each Acta Journal. In addition, a suitable presentation format will be arranged. ACTA STUDENT
Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 4021–4035 Precipitation strengthening at ambient and elevated temperatures of heat-treatable Al(Sc) alloys David N. Seidman ∗, Emmanuelle A. Marquis, David C. Dunand Department of Material Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 60208, USA Received 15 January 2002; accepted 24 May 2002 Abstract Yield strength at
Acta Materialia, 52:4461-4467, 2004. R. Loge, H. Turkmen, M. Miller, R. Rogge, and P. Dawson. Influence of modeling variables on the distribution of lattice strains in a deformed polycrystal with reference to neutron diffraction experiments.
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The coordinating editor is Christopher A. Schuh, Danae and Vasilis Salapatas Professor of Metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Acta Materialia, Inc. 717 likes · 50 talking about this. Increase and disseminate the knowledge of science and engineering of materials.
CiteScore: 13.8 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 13.8 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title.
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Acta Materialia: n/a: n/a: 18.0 days: n/a: n/a: n/a: Rejected (im.) 2021: Motivation: An editorial review should take less time. The work submitted is in the field of Materials Informatics, which is a very fast moving field. 18 days is too long for an editorial rejection. Acta Materialia: 15.0 weeks: 15.0 weeks: n/a: 1: 5 (excellent) 5 (excellent) Accepted: 2020
出版周期:Semimonthly 自引率:11.7% 审稿周期:平均6月 Acta Materialia is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twenty times per year on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.. The current publisher is Elsevier. The coordinating editor is Christopher A. Schuh, Danae and Vasilis Salapatas Professor of Metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Acta Journals, Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia and Materialia, are pleased to announce the Acta Student Awards.
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Enhancing damage-resistance in low carbon martensitic steels upon dual-pass laser treatment. H.S. Oh, J. Kang, C.C. Tasan, Scripta Materialia, 192 (2021) 13–18
"Series Editor's Preface." Preface. Acta Materialia 89. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Abstracts of Uppsala Editors. Environmental mineralogy: Microbial interactions, anthropogenic Acta Materialia, Vol 52, pp.
Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and commissioned overviews which advance the in-depth understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of inorganic materials.
Top handling editors on Publons (Manuscripts handled) (2) Chad Sinclair. (1) Emmanuel Clouet. Editorial board members on Publons.
The Coordinating Editor (CE) of the four Acta Journals ( is seeking to hire a part-time Administrative Associate. This role will assist the CE with the various LetPub Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2021), ACTA MATERIALIA published in 1996, UNITED STATES. Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Acta Biomaterialia, and Materialia are looking for Editors . Owing to the growth of our journals, the success of our new offering (Materialia), the recent launch of our book series, and expected changes in the coming years, we anticipate a need for multiple Editors to join our team. Acta Materialia is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twenty times per year on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.. The current publisher is Elsevier. The coordinating editor is Christopher A. Schuh, Danae and Vasilis Salapatas Professor of Metallurgy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.